Introducing: PokéDAO on BSC

4 min readFeb 24, 2021

PokéDAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that brings the best of three worlds together, DeFi + Pokémon + NFTs. It allows users to passively earn BNB by staking BNB. (core forked from YZY)

100% Community Owned, No Team Tokens, No Dev Fees in the contracts.

Stake BNB to earn more BNB (high APY)+ Win rare Poké-NFTs

Many will earn BNB
Few will understand

⚔️ Ultimate Starters Battle

Welcome to the game, PokéDAO provides a harmonious blend of cryptocurrency and game theory. Giving high yield to DeFi users on the Binance Smart Chain and designed to give an edge to farmers who learn the mechanics behinds the game and optimize their strategy accordingly.

The ecyosystem starts out with two tokens that compete against each other. 🔥 Charmander (CHAR) 50% of supply + 💧 Squirtle (SQRT) 50%.

Both are non-inflationary cryptocurrencies that are designed to execute profit-generating strategies autonomously with a completely decentralized approach.

Users that participate in the pre-sale will get both tokens and from there the game starts, they can choose a side but can also decide to hedge by playing both sides. Both tokens will start at the same price when listed on PancakeSwap, but will they stay the same …

Which one to farm? Which one to buy? Which one to dump? Which one to hold? Which one to mint? Which one to burn? So many questions. Strategy wins.

CHAR Vault Contract: 0x164f46cC8Cb51C3fAa936184e0F8E92F95750F14
CHAR Token Contract: 0xc2ef7a1Df9FB0b41F7971D55DE9400eE31dd0B87

SQRT Vault Contract: 0x2aB68e1c68274A5715F1Ed6eCd21C2E2beEc665F
SQRT Token Contract: 0xA391aD657D76D337745d4ee208E2B6f8037c69b4

👁️ Supply*

Max Supply: 11,000
Circulating Supply: 1100
Pre-sale: 1,000
LP Rewards: 9900
PANCAKE ILP: 10% of pre-sale tokens

*supply consists of 50% $CHAR and 50% $SQRT

🈹 Presale

Address: 0x974DEe18bb161e1fAF05D9510B274fE2187cE258
(please only send BNB to this BSC address)

Min: 0.5 BNB
Max: 5 BNB

Soft Cap: 150 BNB
Hard Cap: 300 BNB

1 BNB = 3.33 tokens

Tokens will be distributed at the same time as the PancakeSwap listing, which happens directly after the pre-sale has ended. Tokens will be distributed via bulksender.

Presale participants receive 50% CHAR and 50% SQRT.

If we reach the Hard Cap we will give away 1 Charizard PSA 8 Card from the Base Set 1999 (valued at ~1000 USD) — to 1 random participant. (Provably fair)

Winner can also choose to get the equivalant value in BNB instead, if he doesn’t want to pay for shipping costs from the Netherlands or provide an address for delivery.

🧑‍🌾 Farming Distribution

All rewards for $CHAR and $SQRT will be distributed during the 10 day Tournament, evenly over each block. Users are able to stake $BNB to farm $CHAR or $SQRT + they earn additional BNB rewards.

* rewards will be distributed in the same manner as the 2% fee:

50% — in CHAR/SQRT rewards
20% — in BNB rewards
25% — to the treasury (used for buybacks of winning token)
5% — to the lottery pool (won by LP stakers)

🔥 Mint-2-Burn

Users will be able to mint $SQRT by burning $CHAR and vice versa, this creates interesting arbitrage opportunities between the two when prices fluctuate, allowing users to benefit from one token by burning the other.

Example theoretic scenario: $CHAR and $SQRT both start at a price of $100, user holds 1 $CHAR and 1 $SQRT. If $CHAR increases in value to $120 the user can now decide to burn his $SQRT (valued at $100) to “mint” 1 $CHAR (valued at $120).

🏆 Tournament Ending

At the end of the 10-day tournament, the winning token will win a ‘prize’ (either $CHAR or $SQRT wins) The token with the most volume will be declared winner of the tournament and will be allowed to absorb the treasury of the opponent.

Example scenario: $SQRT wins, there is $40,000 worth of $BNB, $CHAR and $SQRT in the treasury.

  • all BNB will be used to buy-back $SQRT and burn it
  • all $CHAR will be dumped for $BNB, which buys $SQRT which will get burned
  • all $SQRT will get burned

This will have an huge positive impact on the price of the winning token.

Many hidden Game Theory elements, can you catch ’em all?

⏬ Deflationary

There will only ever be 5500 $CHAR and 5500 $SQRT, the supply can only go down, period.


2 % fee — on all transactions, these fees get distributed to farmers as rewards
50% penalty fee — for early unstaking or early claiming of rewards

*rewards and staked assets are locked for a period of 10 days but can be unlocked against a voluntary fee

☝️ 1-Click Farming dApp

How it works:
1. dApp takes 50% of the BNB and market-buys CHAR or SQRT from the PancakeSwap LP
2. dApp takes that CHAR or SQRT and adds it together with the remainder BNB back into the PancakeSwap LP
3. dApp receives LP token and stakes it for you
4. You receive rewards in CHAR/SQRT +BNB

🖼️ Rare NFTs

We have some amazing visual artists lined up that will deliver awesome artwork in the form of NFT’s, 10 different pokemon with a very limited quantity of each will be aidropped at the end of the tournament to random BNB stakers. We will have a super-rare NFT (1/1) for the user that stakes the highest amount on our platform.

* These NFTs will only be produced and made available if we reach the hard cap.

Connect with PokéDao





Farm BNB and win rare NFTs on the Binance Smart Chain